​​What purpose do Reflectors serve in Photography?

 ​​What purpose do Reflectors serve in Photography?

A Reflector refers distinctly to an equipment used by photographers and cinematographers to bounce light in a certain direction. It acts as a medium to bounce light and redirect light to illuminate the subject more effectively! A reflector can be either artificial or natural, natural reflectors are objects in the environment that naturally reflect light - cars, walls, buildings, roads and other reflective surfaces are natural reflectors.

Artificial reflectors are used by photographers to control the brightness and intensity of available light and to counteract harsh over exposure due to available light. The artificial reflector is made up of two parts, the reflective material and the frame. The purpose of the frame is to keep the reflective material taught at an angle that directs the reflected light to a specific direction. 

There are many different reflective surfaces used, the most common being, white, silver and gold. Depending on the specific reflective material used, a different effect is achieved by varying the distance from the subject and angle of reflected light. Black colored reflectors are used to absorb light and introduce shadows.

Reflectors empower the photographer to control the quality of light and also gives them control over the overall contrast and shadows created by reflecting natural or artificial light from a light source. An additional use of reflectors is when it is coupled with a studio strobe. it varies the angle at which the light is emitted out. Reflectors vary in size and shape and depending on the particular need of the photographer or cinematographer to light a scene, a particular type of reflector is used.
