​​What is the function of Earwax in the Human Body?

 ​​What is the function of Earwax in the Human Body?

The earwax is very useful substance which keeps our ears healthy and is produced naturally in the ear. This wax is found not only in humans, but also in animals. It cleans, protects and lubricates the ears. Let us study through this article about earwax, its function etc.

The scientific name of the earwax is cerumen. It is formed in the outer part of our ear canal where there are thousands of glands. It is sticky and shiny substance. It coats the ear to moisturize it and fight against infection. Earwax also prevents from dust, dirt, and insects from entering the ear.

It also works like a natural antibiotic, i.e. it contains anti-microbial properties. According to some researchers, cerumen contains a lysozyme antibacterial enzyme which is capable of destroying the walls of the cells of bacteria. 

With the help of earwax, you can tell which family you belong to. People have wet or dry wax. Although, both the wax is made up of chemicals. But it depends upon the family that the wax will be wet or dry in your ear. This is detected by the gene. This gene is called ABCC11. If the gene G is replaced by gene A, then, the wax in the ear will be dry and its odour will also be different.

Earwax works by: Protecting and moisturizing the ear canal skin, Preventing dry & itchy ears, Utilising special chemicals that help ward off ear infections. Shielding the eardrum. Trapping dust, dirt, water and other things that can enter your ear, so they don’t travel any further. Earwax is essential to good ear health. However, build-up can easily be problematic for your overall quality of hearing.
