​​What Is Difference Between Whey Protein And Whey Isolate?

 ​​What Is Difference Between Whey Protein And Whey Isolate?

When searching for protein powders, you may have encountered the whey protein vs whey isolate debate. Whether you're looking to build muscle or you’re after the best protein powder for weight loss, you'll come across these two whey-based proteins a lot. Both come from dairy; whey is a byproduct of cheese production. But there are several differences between the two.

Whey isolate is just whey protein but with the lactose, a sugar commonly found in dairy, removed. As a result, whey isolate tends to have a lower fat and calorie content and a higher protein intake per serving than whey protein, which has a higher calorie and fat content due to the lack of additional processing.

Whey isolate tends to have a slightly higher protein content than simple whey protein powder, as the process which removes the lactose from the powder also concentrates the protein somewhat. 

Whey isolate tends to have a lower calorie, carbohydrate and fat count, which makes isolate ideal for mixing with water for a low-calorie, high-protein drink. Great for building lean muscle. Whey protein is still a very efficient way to cram more protein into your diet, whether you’re making shakes or pouring scoops of the stuff into pancake mix, oats or your morning yoghurt. However, it does come loaded with a few extra calories.  

If you’re just after a drink to add more protein to your diet without additional calories, fat or triggering any digestive issues with lactose you may have, whey isolate is what you’re after. However, whey protein, as a more common supplement, is often seen on offer and at far greater varieties of flavour.
